Wednesday, 11 June 2008

Alarming Mortgage Repossession Figures

Richard Spring (West Suffolk, Conservative)asked the Secretary of State for Justice how many mortgage possession orders were made in each county court in the East of England in each of the last five years.

Bridget Prentice (Parliamentary Under-Secretary, Ministry of Justice; Lewisham East, Labour)stated in a written answer that the following table shows the number of mortgage possession orders made in all county courts in the East of England since 2003.

These figures do not indicate how many houses have been repossessed through the courts, since not all the orders will have resulted in the issue and execution of warrants of possession.

The civil procedure rules state that all claims for the repossession of land must be commenced in the district in which the land is situated. However, county courts' jurisdictions are not coterminous with the borough boundaries, and therefore any single court's repossession actions are likely to relate to homes in a number of different boroughs.

Number of mortgage( 1) possession orders( 2, 3) made in the county courts ( 4) in the east of England

Table of Repossessions3.jpg

(1) Mortgage possession data includes all types of lenders whether local authority or private.
(2 ) The court, following a judicial hearing, may grant an order for possession immediately. This entitles the claimant to apply for a warrant to have the defendant evicted. However, even where a warrant for possession is issued, the parties can still negotiate a compromise to prevent eviction.
(3 ) Includes suspended orders and orders made.
(4 ) Does not include the small number of possession actions entered in the High Court.
(5) The rollout of the Possession Claim On-Line (PCOL) system in late 2006 has affected the availability of court-level data on mortgage possession orders. As a result it is only possible to provide court-level figures for those courts with direct on-site PCOL access for 2007. Therefore, upward adjustments have been made for the missing data at HMCS regional level, provided at the end of the table.
Source: Ministry of Justice

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