Thursday, 22 May 2008

Home Secretary Backs Angela Smith's Guide to Anti-Social Behaviour Law

The Home Secretary, Jacqui Smith (above, right), joined Angela Smith, MP for Basildon & East Thurrock (above left), to launch her new guide to the law on anti-social behaviour at Parliament this week.

The 32-page “Basildon & East Thurrock Anti-Social Behaviour Handbook” is a guide to the law on a range of nuisance issues from fireworks to graffiti and vandalism to noise.

Angela Smith said, “too many residents have to contact me about nuisance neighbours, youth vandalism or noisy parties, not knowing who to turn to for help or what the law is on different matters. That is why I have published this handbook, which spells out what action people can ask the police or local authorities to take on each matter.”

Speaking at Angela’s launch of the booklet at the House of Commons, Home Secretary Jacqui Smith said, “the community needs to know what tools the Labour Government have provided to take action on anti-social behaviour. I welcome the active support of Angela Smith in helping publicise this information to her constituents”

Angela added, “I am proud of the tough legislation this Labour Government has brought in to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour. But it’s not going to be effective unless everyone knows what the law is, and how to take action. I hope this will help empower individuals and local communities to improve their neighbourhoods.”

Copies of the “Basildon & East Thurrock Anti-Social Behaviour Handbook” can be obtained free from Angela’s parliamentary office on 020 7219 6273.

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